Random Thoughts

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Easy Button

Recently it has come to my discovery that most people in life seem to have an easy road. For instance have you seen the easy button commercial. Well I think everyone else has an easy button, but I. Maybe I lost it some where along the line, maybe I never earned it, or maybe I just missed the boat somewhere. Whatever happend, I just don't have it. Everything I do in life seems to be hard. Music was fairly easy at first, but now nothing comes easy. Education has NEVER been an easy road. It's a long story, but is just has been. Sometimes I wonder if God is just letting me take the hard road because there is something I need to learn. Or is Satan just attacking because I am on the right path? Maybe there are some things we'll just never know in this life time. Too bad.

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.- James Dean


Lately I have ever so welcomed the presence of my friends’ blogs. I have come to realize that they are so gifted in the areas of language and writing. I, myself, spend every waking moment in a special world, where everything must be stated clearly, concisely, and simply. I cannot flower my descriptions, incorporate idioms, or speak in similes, otherwise my students would find themselves in a world of despair with a teacher who does not connect with them. Each morning I listen to Proclaim and long to speak eloquently. I dream of actually incorporating the ‘word of the day’ into my vocabulary, but thus reality hits and I find myself stuck in the same old world: special ed. How will this recent reality affect my future days? Will I find that in twenty years I can only speak in short phrases and use inappropriate inflection? Will I use “git” instead of “get”? Could I actually get to the point where I only know the names of the letters and the small list of 1st grade sight words because this is the only thing I teach?? Panic. Once I graduate college how will I ever be challenged again? Is there a point in one’s life, when the progress stops and they digress?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The Network Scavenger Hunt:

Pic #1: Nick, Holly and Job. Umm I don't remember why they were doing that.

Pic #2: Michelle (me) and Emily (Carl's Sister) We're buddies now!

Pic #3: Kent, Angie, Andrea, Rhonda, and Job. Group photo!

Pic #4: Group Bonding! Back to Kindergarten. Angie-teacher, Rhonda-always has a question, Job-getting in trouble as usual, Andrea-teacher's pet, Kent-sleeping, out of it as usual. Hehe.

Pic #5: My groovy group! It was rainging outside and I was wearing my khaki capris. Yup we are on the slide at Center playground. Gotta love the slide pic. Ryan-front, Tara, Emily and me!

Pic #6: "Phone Booth" Chad, Jason, Nick and Holly What a cute group. I like our phone booth pic better. Gotta hand it to them though, they are a creative bunch!

Pic #7 "Something Indiana if famous for" Yup we found it...James Dean! Emily and Ryan.

Pic #8: Walking the Line. Sorry I am not perfect. I can't believe Tara and I got picked up...and by campus police. That struggles.

Pic #9: Another slide picture. Holly, Nick, Jason, and Chad. Hand check :)