Big Black Rain Cloud
Have you ever felt like there was a big black rain cloud following you around each day? This week was one of those weeks. School was stressful, my cat was sick (which cost ANOTHER 130 dollars), got a flat tire (the only day I wore a skirt to school and it was raining), 50$ to have a guy put the spare tire on, 80 to replace the tire, etc. etc. etc. Yesterday I heard a sermon on the radio about "There is a time for everything..." I guess I just felt like "everythingā€¯ hit all at once, at least financially. Yes, I did get a raise this year, but my rent went up and so did (obviously) by cat and car expenses. I know everyone has to go through hard times, but I really ready to move on with life and get over this rough patch. This week it was just hard to be in Fort Wayne all by myself and go through the struggles. I mean seriously, my parents are sick of getting my phone calls. But, who do I call?? The guys from my Bible study, the 1 girl from Bible study (who is mad at me again), the "friends" from work, or people from church (who I don't even know.) New friendships take SOOOOO long to form. It is hard to wait, when I just want to be love and supported. Or really, I just want to have fun and hang out in Ft. Wayne. Okay yes this is a big rant and rave, but now I feel better. I'm off to school (AGAIN and ALWAYS), my home away from home, where I must finish my grades and get the new ED program up and running. I have a ton of work to do and little motivation, especially on a Saturday. Oh and another random thought, I ate breakfast at Subway today. Yuck. An egg wrap with honey mustard (as suggested by the lady that worked there) was not kosher. I felt a little nauseous afterwards. I should have just stuck with cappuccino. Okay enough complaining, I'm going to suck up my frustrations and move on with the day-good or bad-I'm on my way.
Sorry about the rough time. :( I was having much the same thoughts today. As terrible as it sounds, it was nice to read about someone else feeling the same way. Am I terrible or what??
Deven, at 9:58 PM
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