Ode to Away Messages
so fire tonight? give me details, ok!
and what is up with people talking on different sn? seriously, be a man. tell me who you are.
*hey look at the messages people are sending me:
1. love ya hot stuff!
2. i wanna hang out with you Michelle!!!
*whoa people who love me :-)
(and one of them is from a boy ;-) hehe
some boys need a self esteem booster by running certain girls over with yellow cars. :-P
"e-folioing" :-(
fall break :-)
friends going camping w/o me :-(
corn maze w/ new friends :-)
A crazy day in the neighborhood. Now I'm busy getting stuff done.
Fazoli's tonight for the teen fundraiser.
Then off to Alex band! Groovy times. Leave a message!
around the house somewhere. leave me a message.
Back at student teaching...
Blogging for now!
I tried to convince my 4th graders that I was 85 years old. But, the 4th grade-trouble-making-boys continued to ask me out anyways. They said they would take me to Ryans, All I can eat for FREE. Plus one boy was even going to bring me flowers. How romantic. Too bad I had to tell them my real boyfriend would beat them up if I went out with them. Too bad I was lying. (But they didn't know that). Too bad I don't have luck with dating boys my own age.
What a day!
Signed: Dateless in Marion.
(Can I hear a shout out from others that are dateless???!!!):-P
Down with Love
Down with Home
Down with Missing Friday nights.
Is it Friday yet??
Girls only: Kimberly's bridal shower is Sat. Sept. 24th at 1:30 at the Swan's house. Be there!
To everyone: Cromer wedding is Oct 1st at 10:30 am at Brookhaven. Be there!
Good morning sunshines!! It is a beautiful day!!! I'm doing laundry then packing for New York!!! No school today!! Could life get any better?? It is the weekend!!!!! Wahooo.....!!!!!!
Got Lions and Tigers only in Kenya.
Got Bears at Frances Slocum.
Kindergarden rocks.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
I am the Walrus!
What music am I listening too??
Memories of high school.
May Fust Fest never be forgotten!
i'm wearing flip flops on a day that it is snowing.
Since, then , you havebeen raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the rights hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Col 3:1-2
It's the groovy weekend, baby I am about to have me some fun! Can I hear a shout out for Friday's off from school and a fantastic trip to New York!!
Only a half day of school. Now off to catch up on my life. Leave a message!
plans: babysitting tonight 530.
mood: sad
Deep random thoughts:
Do you ever just crave caffeine? i'm having one of those moments. not for cappuccino stuff thought, just for a shot of straight up vanilla coke. but i'm stuck in the house with no pop. too bad. better luck next time.
hey who called for snow. i think it is time we all move to africa. i need sunshine.
Word to the Wise: Don't ever step on Oreo (aka: the cat) b/c he gets mad. Fancy that. (the only time you'll hear him meow). What if we meowed every time we got mad? Ha. Hilarious.
"Now I say to you , life is hard,
at times as hard as crucible steel.
It has its bleak and difficult moments.
Like the ever-flowing waters of the river, life has its moments of drought and its moments of flood. Like the ever-changing cycle of the seasons,life has the soothing warmth of its summers and the piercing chill of its winters. But if one will hold on,he will discover that God walks with him, and that God is able to lift you from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope and transform dark and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of inner peace. "Dearest Lord, teach me to be enerous,teach me to serve you as I should, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest,to labour and ask not for reward,save that of knowing that I do your most holy will.
State the obvious: It is Friday.
Ask a question: Is anyone doing anything??
My plans: Sit around and wait for someone to call about plans for tonight.
It's Friday and I'm ....um...reviewing my last 4 years of college and studying for my HUGE teacher test tomorrow. And the best part of all, I get to leave at 6:15 am to go take the test!!!! My life is great!!!
Things I LOVE about a Friday:
1. Visiting my kids
2. Seeing Old Friends
3. Cherry Coke with Vanilla
4. Chick Flicks
5. Girls Night In
6. Girls Night Out
7. Front row seats at FNL
8. David Estrada
9. Jon McLaughlin's music
10. Pink
11. Scraping my windows at midnight
(oh wait I don't love that)
12. Sleep
...Love is a many splendoured thing, love, lifts us up wherewe
belong, all you need is love.
...Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night
Forget about the worries on your mind
With all the quotes from Friday night, how can the rest of the weekend top that? Some boys are still dumb, throw rocks at them.
BAN THIRMEROSAL, mercury content found in child vaccines.
A new case of Autism in diagnosed nearly every 20 minutes. 1 in 266 children are diagnosed in the US per year. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the US.
This last semester of school...$7,000.
High school reunion fund...$5.00
Visiting with friends tonight and having our fake mom pay for our bridesmaid dresses...Priceless
Owing Katie ice cream...hilarious!
Today I actually said, "He smells delicious!" Referring to a handsome tan middle-aged man in line behind me at Walmart. ( I blame this on a girl that I once had classes with. At least this guy wasn't our professor)
:-) Anyhoo this guy did smell delicious!
So my advice to any single college boys, smell good...you will get the girl!!
What a day! My little boy with ADHD colored all over his face with marker- within the first 2 minutes of school, he cut all the pencils tips off with his scissors, broke the big erasers in half, kept calling me 'sugar mama', plus the other kids were very naughty today. :-( I read the book "The Grouchy Ladybug." I think I'm grouchy because of the rough day. Maybe seeing friends will lighten my mood. So, if anyone is hanging out let me know.
Why does it hurt so much to be surrounded by something I once loved so dearly? I'm trusting you Lord to continue to guide and direct me. With every breath I take I will completely surrender myself, become nothing, and praise you. You are in control, no matter what the circumstance.
Word of the day: ambivalence
1. The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, object, or idea.
2.Uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which course to follow.
You are one narly chunck of a woman.
Down with V-Day. S.A.D. = true dat.
Anybody want to hangout tonight. I'm free as a bird. Well something like that. Give me a holla.
You know it's going to be a good day when you get a call from your best friend in Kenya!!!!! Praise the Lord for best friends!!!!
and what is up with people talking on different sn? seriously, be a man. tell me who you are.
*hey look at the messages people are sending me:
1. love ya hot stuff!
2. i wanna hang out with you Michelle!!!
*whoa people who love me :-)
(and one of them is from a boy ;-) hehe
some boys need a self esteem booster by running certain girls over with yellow cars. :-P
"e-folioing" :-(
fall break :-)
friends going camping w/o me :-(
corn maze w/ new friends :-)
A crazy day in the neighborhood. Now I'm busy getting stuff done.
Fazoli's tonight for the teen fundraiser.
Then off to Alex band! Groovy times. Leave a message!
around the house somewhere. leave me a message.
Back at student teaching...
Blogging for now!
I tried to convince my 4th graders that I was 85 years old. But, the 4th grade-trouble-making-boys continued to ask me out anyways. They said they would take me to Ryans, All I can eat for FREE. Plus one boy was even going to bring me flowers. How romantic. Too bad I had to tell them my real boyfriend would beat them up if I went out with them. Too bad I was lying. (But they didn't know that). Too bad I don't have luck with dating boys my own age.
What a day!
Signed: Dateless in Marion.
(Can I hear a shout out from others that are dateless???!!!):-P
Down with Love
Down with Home
Down with Missing Friday nights.
Is it Friday yet??
Girls only: Kimberly's bridal shower is Sat. Sept. 24th at 1:30 at the Swan's house. Be there!
To everyone: Cromer wedding is Oct 1st at 10:30 am at Brookhaven. Be there!
Good morning sunshines!! It is a beautiful day!!! I'm doing laundry then packing for New York!!! No school today!! Could life get any better?? It is the weekend!!!!! Wahooo.....!!!!!!
Got Lions and Tigers only in Kenya.
Got Bears at Frances Slocum.
Kindergarden rocks.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
I am the Walrus!
What music am I listening too??
Memories of high school.
May Fust Fest never be forgotten!
i'm wearing flip flops on a day that it is snowing.
Since, then , you havebeen raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the rights hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Col 3:1-2
It's the groovy weekend, baby I am about to have me some fun! Can I hear a shout out for Friday's off from school and a fantastic trip to New York!!
Only a half day of school. Now off to catch up on my life. Leave a message!
plans: babysitting tonight 530.
mood: sad
Deep random thoughts:
Do you ever just crave caffeine? i'm having one of those moments. not for cappuccino stuff thought, just for a shot of straight up vanilla coke. but i'm stuck in the house with no pop. too bad. better luck next time.
hey who called for snow. i think it is time we all move to africa. i need sunshine.
Word to the Wise: Don't ever step on Oreo (aka: the cat) b/c he gets mad. Fancy that. (the only time you'll hear him meow). What if we meowed every time we got mad? Ha. Hilarious.
"Now I say to you , life is hard,
at times as hard as crucible steel.
It has its bleak and difficult moments.
Like the ever-flowing waters of the river, life has its moments of drought and its moments of flood. Like the ever-changing cycle of the seasons,life has the soothing warmth of its summers and the piercing chill of its winters. But if one will hold on,he will discover that God walks with him, and that God is able to lift you from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope and transform dark and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of inner peace. "Dearest Lord, teach me to be enerous,teach me to serve you as I should, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest,to labour and ask not for reward,save that of knowing that I do your most holy will.
State the obvious: It is Friday.
Ask a question: Is anyone doing anything??
My plans: Sit around and wait for someone to call about plans for tonight.
It's Friday and I'm ....um...reviewing my last 4 years of college and studying for my HUGE teacher test tomorrow. And the best part of all, I get to leave at 6:15 am to go take the test!!!! My life is great!!!
Things I LOVE about a Friday:
1. Visiting my kids
2. Seeing Old Friends
3. Cherry Coke with Vanilla
4. Chick Flicks
5. Girls Night In
6. Girls Night Out
7. Front row seats at FNL
8. David Estrada
9. Jon McLaughlin's music
10. Pink
11. Scraping my windows at midnight
(oh wait I don't love that)
12. Sleep
...Love is a many splendoured thing, love, lifts us up wherewe
belong, all you need is love.
...Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night
Forget about the worries on your mind
With all the quotes from Friday night, how can the rest of the weekend top that? Some boys are still dumb, throw rocks at them.
BAN THIRMEROSAL, mercury content found in child vaccines.
A new case of Autism in diagnosed nearly every 20 minutes. 1 in 266 children are diagnosed in the US per year. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the US.
This last semester of school...$7,000.
High school reunion fund...$5.00
Visiting with friends tonight and having our fake mom pay for our bridesmaid dresses...Priceless
Owing Katie ice cream...hilarious!
Today I actually said, "He smells delicious!" Referring to a handsome tan middle-aged man in line behind me at Walmart. ( I blame this on a girl that I once had classes with. At least this guy wasn't our professor)
:-) Anyhoo this guy did smell delicious!
So my advice to any single college boys, smell good...you will get the girl!!
What a day! My little boy with ADHD colored all over his face with marker- within the first 2 minutes of school, he cut all the pencils tips off with his scissors, broke the big erasers in half, kept calling me 'sugar mama', plus the other kids were very naughty today. :-( I read the book "The Grouchy Ladybug." I think I'm grouchy because of the rough day. Maybe seeing friends will lighten my mood. So, if anyone is hanging out let me know.
Why does it hurt so much to be surrounded by something I once loved so dearly? I'm trusting you Lord to continue to guide and direct me. With every breath I take I will completely surrender myself, become nothing, and praise you. You are in control, no matter what the circumstance.
Word of the day: ambivalence
1. The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, object, or idea.
2.Uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which course to follow.
You are one narly chunck of a woman.
Down with V-Day. S.A.D. = true dat.
Anybody want to hangout tonight. I'm free as a bird. Well something like that. Give me a holla.
You know it's going to be a good day when you get a call from your best friend in Kenya!!!!! Praise the Lord for best friends!!!!
LOL! Michelle!! Seriously, how many other people are truly going to understand what you mean by getting ran over by a yellow car??? :)
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM
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