Random Thoughts

Thursday, June 01, 2006

In this world of marriage, I stand alone. Because most of my college friends are married and have now deserted me, I must move on to find other friends for this segment of my life. I have been attending an single group Friday night Bible study. It has been fabulous. Spiritually I have been challenged. Each week I grow closer to my new friends through prayer and fellowship time. God has blessed me with new friends that actually can hold a conversation. (Unlike the college days.) The varied group and experiences bring a whole new element of interest and fun. There are three friends in particular that go to Brookhaven Church with me. We go to Sunday school, Wed. night, and Friday Bible study together. These friends actually take interest into my life and are dedicated to prayer. My 'other' friends are too busy being married to even return my calls. This has been a difficult time in my life since I am unemployed and my parents are moving. I am so glad God has brought about the Network group of friends to surround me in prayer and encouragement. It is hard to let go of the past and move forward. But, life changes and moves on and so must I. I will not forget how God has blessed me in the past, but I keep my eyes forward and press on towards the goal.

The new friends:


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