Random Thoughts

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Getting to know you

THE 10 SURVEY (stolen from suzin's blog)

1 0 F A V O R I T E S

TV show: Alias, 24, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
Flower: Roses
Drink: Soy Milk, Candy Frappe from McConn
Movie: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Color: Blue
Sport: Ultimate Frisbee with the Network Friends
Phrase: "Fantastic"/"Outrageous"
Mall: Kokomo Mall
Food: Anything with chicken, bacon, and ranch
Fav snack: Chocolate
Holiday: Christmas

1 0 F A C T S

Height: 5'8"
Hair color: light brown
Hair length: a little longer than my shoulders
Eye color: brown
Shoe Size: 7
Personality: Shy at first, then just crazy, but I do play "Mom"
Siblings: Aaron-16
Hometown: Altoona, Iowa
Living now: With the parent in Marion, IN

1 0 L I F E

How's life?: Confusing
What's your mood right now?: Tired
What are you doing right now as we speak?: Watching "Never Been Kissed"
What are you doing over the weekend?: Not showering on Sat., Church on Sunday
What do you want to do with your life?: Get a job!
Where are you right now?: Nothing...I'm unemployed
Are you in school?: Finally I can say NO NO NO
Where do you work?: ???
Who do you live with?: Mom, Aaron, Oreo (the cat)

1 0 L O V E L I F E

Have you ever been in love?:No
Do you believe in love?: Yes.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes
Have you ever broken someone's heart?: No
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: Nope
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Maybe
Single or group dates?: I don't date. (Hey I'm dating Jesus.)

1 0 R A N D O M S

One thing sitting next to you: Thick and Creamy Yogurt
Do you like the color purple?: NO
How many cds do you own?: A ton
Longest phone conversation?: Probably with a Catholic boy from high school or maybe with Kimberly
What is your most prized possession?: My sharpies and post-it notes.
Who in your family are you closest to: My parents
Do you share a room?: Nope, only with my 10,000 pillows.
Favorite conversation saying?: I want you, I need you, Oh baby, Oh baby.
Worst turnoff of the opposite sex?: Farting, Scratching, and Burping

1 0 T H I S O R T H A T S

Pepsi or Coke?: PEPSI
CD or radio?: Radio or my own mixed Cd!!
Tommy Boy or Black Sheep?: Neither
Saturday or Sunday?: Saturday
Colored or black and white?: Black and white
Phone or in person?: In person
Oreos with or without milk? I can't eat my cat, yuck.
Sunrise or sunset?: Both
Cup half empty or half full?: What is it full or empty of??
Chevy or Ford?: American cars suck....I heart my HONDA!!

1 0 H A V E Y O U E V E R S

Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: No
Have you ever skinny dipped?: NO
Have you ever done something you regret?: Yes
Have you ever been on a house boat?: No
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: Yes (a huge one in elementary)
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt?: Yes
Have you ever caught a fish?: Sick, no
Have you ever been in a wedding?: Yes, too many (Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.)
Have you ever received flowers on Valentine's Day?: Nope


Are you missing someone right now?: Yes (did I really just admit that?)
Are you bored?: Yeah, but that is what Sato is for.
Are you German?: Nope
Are your parents still married?: Yes
Are you crushing on someone?: Maybe....(hey I'm single, so it's okay!)
Are you a good friend?: I try to be
Are you mad at anyone right now?: Kind of


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