Random Thoughts

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How to Get the Guy: Dating Manual


Drop the Hanky
It's tough being a single woman. For instance, how do you get a guy to approach you? Drop the Hanky! Metaphorically speaking, anyway. There are three simple ways to get a guy to come over and start talking to you:

1. Eye contact. Not just look him in the eye. Make eye contact for at least four seconds! And we mean "1 Mississippi…2 Mississippi…"
2. Smile. Show teeth! Nothing draws a guy in like confidence and approachability.
3. Proximity. Get in his space! The closer you are to each other the easier it is for him to talk to you.

The First Kiss
If the first date is a success, it should end with a kiss! If it doesn't, then it might as well be an appointment. There are certain things that you can do to get a guy to kiss you.

1. Break the touch barrier. It's one thing to flirt in conversation, but you are going to raise the bar if you can do a few inadvertent touches along the way it will let him know you want to be kissed.
2. Fiddle with his jacket. Of course when you say goodbye it helps to get close, futz with his collar or sleeve and tell him what a good time you had.


Waiting for the Second Date
You kissed! And you can't wait for a second date…
1. Don't call him! Let him call you.
2. Don't watch the pot. The best thing to do is not to wait by the phone, but to go on a first date with someone else!

Online Dating
Don't just date one guy - date a bunch! Remember - it's a numbers game and you should click on multiple guys. But, before you get started you better have a good profile!
1. Make sure you have a picture up! Not just one, but several. And they should all be smiling, in focus and alone.
2. Write a catchy profile name or quote that people can relate to. Good examples are from movies and books. This gives guys the opportunity to start a conversation with you.
3. Be safe. Meet your date in public location and have an exit strategy.

The Art of Dinner
You have a dinner date with your new man… be sure to:
1. Eat. Order food! It's attractive to guys when a girl has a healthy appetite. Going out to dinner is fun.
2. Share your food. It's a quick and easy way to get a little intimate.
3. Laugh. Have fun! Guys like to see that they are making you laugh and you are enjoying yourself.


Trim the Fat
If you want to get serious about dating it's time to stop wasting your time!
1. Fear flirt. Only flirt with guys that you want to go out with. Also known as "fear flirting" - flirting with the guys who give you butterflies.
2. Have an escape plan. If you are stuck talking to someone at a party for an extended period of time tell them you have to go mingle.

Fluke vs. Pattern
Give the guy the benefit of the doubt…
1. The three-strike rule. If a guy does something once that annoys you it might just be a fluke. If he does it up to three times then you should sit him down and tell him how you feel.


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