Random Thoughts

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Jesus's Gems Sunday School is winding down. After today, only 1 more class. I will miss it and the kids, but I'm ready to go back to SS.

One of the moms didn't come get her kid from SS. I had to take Kid over to kid's church, making me late for service. Needless to say, I missed playing in worship band. After 4 years of the same routine, you would think that the parents would get a clue! Grumpy!

The Swans took Jenalee and I to Mancino's for lunch. I don't recommend the taco grinder-Nasty! The conversation was mostly about roller coasters, man I miss Cedar Point.

Spent the afternoon at Kem. Took a nap. Huge headache when I woke up. Talked with Jenalee.

Went to worship band practice, had to play trumpet and trombone parts. Struggle. I so can't even handle WB practice. I remember why I didn't go all last year.

Pastor Adam spoke in pm service. He is awesome. I miss the Phipps though!

Had a thank you/farewell after service for Kelly Ashlock. Had a welcome to Pastor Adam (Teen pastor)/ They didn't have enough cake for everyone, the servers were cutting into pieces less than 1 inch big. Umm pretty sure that isn't enough for even a whole bite.

Got Burger King for dinner. Yummy. I just made the whole day better!


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