Random Thoughts

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Protocol ?

For the last 4 years I have been teaching a special needs Sunday school class. I only have 5 children, whom I have become quite attached to. Two of my boys are from the same family; their dad is our youth pastor. Their dad accepted another position in Arizona, getting ready to do a church plant. I was devastated to hear that my boys were leaving. I have gotten to know the oldest boy (4 yrs old/severely Autistic) the best. He is my buddy and I am always delighted to see him. Their farewell party was on the weekend, but I was to be gone to the wedding. I went Thursday during my lunch break so officially say goodbye. It was sad to arrive and see all their things in boxes. How could I let them go?? Because I love those boys so much I brought presents for them. When I got there the younger boy (MiMH) had ripped off all his clothes and diaper, so he was running around naked. As his mother corralled him, I went and found the older boy, the love of my life. He discovered his gifts and was excited to open his gifts. Both boys played with their gifts for a while. One of their favorite things was the balloons. We would blow them up and make them squeal as we let the air out. The boys just laughed and laughed.

My lunch was only and hour. Time flew and it was almost time to leave. The mom was changing the older boy's diaper, so I was playing with the little guy. He ran off into his parent's room. I didn't follow him, but he soon came out. He was holding a condom in his little hand. He kept trying to give it to me. He doesn't talk but I guess he thought it was a balloon. I didn't know what to do. The mom wasn't paying attention. It would be embarrassing for her if she saw him with it. I took it from him.
What should I do with it??
a. Give it back to the mom, joking that they might need it.
b. Hide it in my pocket so the mom wouldn't see it. Then what?
c. Lay it on the table, with the risk of the little boy grabbing it again.
d. Hide it in an open box quickly as I left.

Well I felt a little panicked as I was holding it. I didn't want this to turn into an awkward situation, especially as this was the last time I would see this family who was so dear to me. I quickly hid it under her purse, b/c it would be too obvious if I put it in her purse. Maybe she would discover it later and think that it was misplace innocently.

With tears in my eyes I looked at my boys for the last time before the moved. I hugged and kissed the oldest. He was just playing with his toys, not realizing that this would be the last time he saw me. The little one was a little more aware that something was going on. He had a sad look on his face as I hugged him.

Tears ran down my face as I walked out their door. I cried all the way back to work. Why are goodbyes so hard??

God thank you for bringing those precious boys into my life for a few years. Even though many have tried praying for the healing from the special needs, I truly believe they are 'fearfully and wonderfully made'. They have blessed my life more than words can express. I pray that the transition will go smoothly and that they will be able to get into a school district. Lord bring amazing people into their lives that will love those boys as much as I do. I will miss seeing their little faces each Sunday, but I know this is in your plan. I don't know if I will ever see them again but I pray that Your hand of protection will be over them all their days.

God there have been so many transitions and goodbyes this year, so many good and hard times. Recently it was so hard to say goodbye to all my friends who graduated. Bless them all as they transition into the 'real' world. Guide them into the perfect areas and jobs where you can work through them. Guide and direct those who will be getting married in this next year. Help them to grow closer, not only to each other, but to grow closer to You.

It is hard to move on in life sometimes. Sometimes it seems easier to live in the past, to reminisce on the fun times. Lord thank you for blessing me with amazing friends and experiences. We have all been challenged and experienced growth. Guide and direct my future. Help me to have a loving attitude towards each day, no matter what happens. Thanks for being an amazing God.


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