Random Thoughts

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

How may I direct your call?

How did I end up working at this school again?? I've been plagued again with filing, faxing, and shredding. Everyone is out at camp having fun. Not I, I'm stuck here in this beautiful town. Ha. Stuck in the office. If I do decide to go outside, I smother in this sweltering, humid air. Why am I living in Indiana?

A couple of weeks ago I trained on switchboard. After answering phones all day, I go home and accidentally answer my home phone, "Indiana Wesleyan, How may I direct your call?" Sorry, it just becomes habit. After 5 1/2 years of school and this is all it adds up to :( Just a simple student worker and making minimum wage. The financial situation is thrilling when I go to pay for my car, insurance and loans.

Wow I'm in a happy mood. Okay not really. Maybe I should go do something more important, not sure what though.


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