Random Thoughts

Thursday, July 07, 2005

High 5 Trend

Oh what to do on a Wednesday night? Yes that was the question last night. I am not too fond of Wednesday night church because there is no place for a "Transitioner", like myself, to go. Then I got a marvelous phone call; Christy was in town.

It was 7:30 and there I was sitting at Tree of Life all alone. Christy was late. Brianna and her parents were there. I talked to the mom for a couple of minutes. But alas another friend walked in, it was Dusty. Christy showed up a couple of minutes later with one of her other friends. The girls and I talked a bit and look at the clearance books. Then we decided to get drinks. I got the usual: Milky Way with 1/2 of the espresso.

After our drinks we decided to chat with Dusty a bit more. He was on his groovy wide screen laptop dealing with his eBay t-shirt madness. Just then 3 guys from the Network walked in. I even got up enough nerve to go to their table and say hi. (It's been a while since I have felt nervous around guys.) I realized how young I was even compared to these guys. Even a couple of years makes a big difference at this point.

A few minutes later we called Daniel F. Just after he showed up, Nick and Pastor John walked in. Talk about funny. We go months without seeing people or hanging out in a big group, and then all of a sudden everyone is there. But I have to say that was an odd group of people, being as most of us went to school together, but were only casual acquaintances.

We spent most of the night telling stories and laughing. The three "Network" boys were meeting with some younger guys. It was amazing to see guys meeting and talking about the Lord. I realized how much more I have to learn in my faith walk. I missed having times with the girls. The last time the girls and I were together, we ended up going to see the movie "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant." I miss having accountability and talking about what God is doing in our lives!

During our fun night at Tree of life, we ended up looking at the pictures from Christy and Daniel's trip to Azerbaijan. It was good to see those pictures and to see pics of our long lost friend, Nate. Then Dusty was getting the latest advice about some European shoes. If there is one thing I know, it is shoes. I am no fashion mama, but that is one of the first things I notice about a person. And yes the shoes that Dusty picked out were very cool (even with navy pants.)

Who knew that Tree of Life was open until 11:00 (way past my bed time!) Nick was the first one to leave, on his motorcycle, after saying his goodbyes. Dusty became the new trend setter and gave me a goodbye high 5. Daniel gave me a hug goodbye, I tried to gave him a high 5-to carry on Dusty’s new tradition. Dan just laughed. High 5’s are where it is at!! Power to Dusty! Just as the rest of us were trying to leave, Nick was back. All he said was, “I got home too fast. So I came back to talk some more.”

My friends are funny! (And that beard fetish has to go boyz!)

It was good push myself out of my comfort zone and meet new people. The other friends are gone, either lost in love or another county. It is time to move out of the old, and look for greener pastures. Meeting new people actually was fun.

High 5 Dude!


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